27 March 2006

A norwegian psalm:

Lev for Jesus, for alt annet er ei verdt å kalles liv!
Til den vennen fremfor andre helt og fult ditt hjerte giv!

Lev for Jesus, samle sjeler, Fylk dem under korsets flagg! Skynd deg før enn natten kommer, Virk mens ennå det er dag!

Tusen, tusen arme sjeler Lengter etter liv og fred,
Si dem noen ord om Jesus Før enn livets sol går ned!

Si dem hva du selv har funnet, Vitne om hva Gud deg gav!
Vis dem kjærlighetens kilde, Nådens hav du øser av!

Lev for Jesus, gi din Frelser Livets vakre ungdoms vår!
Gi ham og din manndoms styrke, Gi ham alderdommens år!

Gi deg helt! For han som ber deg, Selv har gitt seg helt
for deg. Da han fattig og foraktet gikk her nede korsets vei.

Gi deg helt! Og vit at ingen, Ingen der har angret på!
Lev for Jesus til du salig får inn til hans hvile gå!

(Written by Linda Sandell 1873, Sangboken

26 March 2006

The presence of God.

"I will extol You, My God, O King; And I will bless your name forever and ever.
Every day I will bless you, and I will praise Your name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.
And His greatness is unsearchable."
Ps. 145:1-3

Yesterday there was a worshipnight in Word of Life Church in Tartu. It was just heavenly! The presence of God was so precious. It is nothing as dwelling in the presence of the Lord, to taste His goodness! The same God that Abraham, Moses or King David worshiped, is the same God that we can worship to day. When I think of that, I need to give my God some of my time and start praising Him. He wants us to walk with Him and adore Him all the days of our lives! So let us give Him our attention and spend some time in His wonderful presence!

Have a blessed day!

20 March 2006

Heisann heisann!

This weekend I was on a youthcamp with youths from the church in Taru. And it turned out to be real success! Friday evening we arrived on a peaceful area, one hour south of Taru. That night we had a woundeful time together with social activites and barbecue. When everyone had went to bed, three other guys and I went to the sauna. After that I was relaxed and more than ready for a good night sleep:) Saturday we woke up to a dream-weather and many went for skiing. In the evening we had a youthservice where pastor Eino was preaching. Actually he didn't preach so much that evening because the Holy Spirit had other plans. The Holy Spirit took over and the presence of God was greatly manifested. Youths were praying for eachother and they were all met by God! It was a wonderful eveing! That's the best thing with youthcamps like this, when youths that maybe never have met God personally, can meet Him in a strong way and their lifes are changed forever!

I am so glad I can serve a God who is alive to day, a God that loves us and desire the best for us! Sunday, the last day of the camp, we visited a Baptist church in that city. In the morning Eino was preaching (the Holy Spirit was there still, and He had some words from Heaven to give us..). In the evening I had the priveledge to preach at the youthservice (I don't know if I ever will have the chance to preach in a Baptist church...maybe..hehe..) I was speaking about how God has equiped us and made us ready to spread His Kingdom to the ends of the earth!

Be blessed brothers and sisters!

Jesus is Lord!!

08 March 2006

Vecation in Norway!!

I figured out it was time to let you know that I am still alive...Right now I'm actually in Norway. I came Saturday, but next Monday I'II return to Estonia..I can't stay too long here;) So now a days I am working and saving up some extra money (In April I will go on trip to Russia, and some extra money is needed..) My mum got me bussy, and she have a long list of things she wants me to do...The last couple of days I have ironed my dads shirts..and yes, it took about two days to finish. And still there is more to do (we have a iron-room at home, and it is unfolded clothes everywhere!!) But to day I went over to the kitchen and washed the shelves there...You are probably not intersting in reading a list of what I am doing the whole day. I need to say that I was skiing about 20 km to day. There is so much snow here in Norway, it is beautiful! They say it hasn't been like this for 40 years!! So next time it will experience this, I might be around 60 years old. So I better enjoy this before my stomach gets too big, and my hair too grey;) Life is good! This coming weekend, Ulf Ekman is coming to Zoè Church, and I have great expectations for it! Stay blessed!!