07 May 2006

A great weekend!

This weekend my dear youthpastor from Norway, Tom Jensen, came to Estonia. I have been so blessed by his stay here in Tartu. One reason is that he lived together with me in my apartment, and we had such a good time. To day we went to buy food..and he told me: "Sigurd, just feel free and find whatever you need of food and I will pay for it. Just be bold." Can you imagine? So I did what he said..hehe..and I feel like a blessed man to day. I won't starve for some weeks now hehe.. But I was fed spiritually as well. Friday Tom had the youthservice, and the Holy Spirit was greatly manifested that night. It was just wonderful! Saturday, all the youthleaders were gathered and Tom had a leadermeeting about "Vision". How important it is to go with the vision that God has given you, and Tom shared many different aspects around this theme! It was so encouraging! This morning he had the sundayservice in church, and once again many people were toughed by God.

I tell you folks, God is working here in Estonia. Something is about to happen here. You can just sence it...And I am so thankful to God that I can be a part of what He does here in Estonia:)

Live radical for the Lord and be a wessel of fire for God! You are the carrier of the revival of God. You are carrying the presence and power of God, and you can give it to others. There are so many to day that needs to experience the LIVING God! And you are the one that God will use...if you want to. Be a part of what God is doing these last days! You don't want to miss out...

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