27 September 2006

Yesterday I went to the youthprison in Viljandi for the first time after arriving here in Estonia. It was so good to see those guys again. There were many familiar faces, but also some new. It is special to see those prisoners who are born again, because they are really like brothers to me. Because we have all Jesus as our Lord. We had a great time together and I guess there were over 10 guys gathered in the churchroom. Both the prisonpriest and I shared the word! I will go there every Tuesday, but I will try to go more often also if I'm able to. I am a bit depended on having a interpreter with me (which I will on tuesdays). Some of the prisoners and the priest speaks ok english, but it is a little hard for them to interpret! But it was wonderful to be back again!

You can see the University building pictured. The reason is that I will try to start a evangelistic work among the students this year. So to day I put up posters on the different faculties which invited the christian students for a meeting. I want to see how many Christians there are among the 20 000 students! Imagine just to lead 1% of the students to Jesus? That equals 200 souls!! I will at least start now and then I have to trust God for His guidance and favour! This year, the Name of Jesus will be lifted up and known among the students in Tartu! Amen.


Snillip said...

Artig åhøre om fengselet,du gjør sikkert en kjempe jobb. hørtes nesten ut som om du var glad for å se nye ansikter....i fengselet..hehe, men skjønner hva du mener!
Bless bless fra meg og kona!!

Anonymous said...

veldig interessant, takk