12 September 2006

Yesterday I came back from an awsome trip! I feel so blessed after being travelling with Carl Gustav. We spent first two days in Bulgaria, where it was a confernece. And it was just great! It was such a breakthrough and the messages that where preached went straight into the peoples heart. A strong faith atmosphere filled everyone! EARLY Saturday morning we went to Albania (we didn't get much sleep during those days hehe..), where he had two services! It was four intensive days where I experienced a lot. I met so many wonderful people. I believe it is impossible to not start to love them!! They are filled with life and joy. The best experience was to get to know Carl Gustav through hours on the airplane and different places. Sunday night we played bowling with an other pastor couple, and on the picutre you see him making a strike. He is such a man to honour and a person I respect more and more. A great example to follow. It is amazing to see how many people that get blessed through a man who has given his life to God! Let us all give our lives 100% to God, let us give ALL we have, and let us bless others with our lives.

I have also descided to attend the pastor course Livets Ord is arranging in Slovenia in the city called Brattislava. It is a intensive course for pastors and leaders, with subjects like Church history, Couseling, Mission strategies and much more. It will be one week every month from october until mai. I am looking so forward to it and I believe it will develop me a lot. After being in Estonia I understand more and more that I need more knowledge and traning. Training time is neve wasted time! But I believe it will be a perfect combination to get practical training here in Estonia and receive strong academical traning on this pastor course!

God is good! This afternoon I also arrived in Taru, and it feels much better than I thought to come back to Estonia! I am so excited for the coming months that awaits me! You'II here from me soon;)


Carl Fredrik Ness said...

Hei du! Utrolig herlig :) Gleder meg utrolig til det er min tur ;)
HÅper vi snakkes snart! Stay blessed brother!

Anonymous said...

Godt ä ha deg tilbake kompis!!! Ser deg jo snart i byen. En bedre pizza kanskje??

Snillip said...

godt å høre at det ble en knall tur. takk for brevet vi fikk her om dagen. morsomt at du er tilbake og vi ser fram i mot fyldige rapporter :)